You're All Signed Up
Virtual Sun & Study 2020 Login & Schedule
IMPORTANT: To be accepted into the sessions, make sure you have a Zoom account with your FULL first and last name so we can see your name and let you in.
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Passcode: Soul5780
Dial in: 646 558 8656 US
Meeting ID: 825 2013 6771
Passcode: 25083358
Daily Schedule
All times are Eastern Summer Times -
Adjust for your local time zone
11:30 AM | For millenia Jews have started their days with some form of prayer. Pick a group and take time to connect. |
12:00 PM | Mitzvah Minute with Manya: Modeh Ani |
12:30 PM |
The Truth and Nothing But The Truth: Myth-busting about Jews and horns, giraffes, tatooes and angels, satan, the evil eye and a whole lot more Rivky Slonim |
1:30 PM | L–u–n–c–h & B–r–e–a–k |
2:30 PM | Madrichot hang-out |
3:00 PM |
The Personality Puzzle: Who Are You Really? Rabbi Friedman |
4:15 PM | Chevrusa Partners - From learning to read Hebrew to understanding fate and free will, you get to choose which topic you want to focus on in your breakout room |
5:30 PM | D–i–n–n–e–r & B–r–e–a–k |
7:30 PM |
How Much of Life Is Your Choice? How Much Is Your Destiny? Rabbi Manis Friedman |
8:30 PM |
Happiness is a Serious Problem Miriam Lipskier |
11:00 AM |
Strengthen Your Jewish Core Core Topic: A Tale of 2 Souls, The Human & The G-dly Itty Kay |
11:30 AM |
For millenia Jews have started their days with some form of prayer. Pick a group and take time to connect. |
12:00 PM |
Mitzvah Minute with Manya: Learning Torah |
12:30 PM |
Chevrusa Partners - From learning to read Hebrew to understanding fate and free will, you get to choose which topic you want to focus on in your breakout room |
1:30 PM |
L–u–n–c–h & B–r–e–a–k |
2:30 PM |
Madrichot hang-out |
3:00 PM |
What Is Love? We Talk About It All The Time, How Do We Know When It’s True Love? Rabbi Manis Friedman |
4:15 PM |
The (Near) Sacrifice of Isaac: How do we make sense of one of the most difficult passages in Torah Rivky Slonim |
5:30 PM |
D–i–n–n–e–r & B–r–e–a–k |
7:30 PM |
Women In Prayer: How women teach us everything we need to know about prayer Shifra Sharfstein |
8:30 PM |
The Question Box: Q & A Rabbi Friedman and Rivky Slonim [Submit to |
11:00 AM |
Strengthen Your Jewish Core Core Topic: Mind or Heart - Who Do I Listen To? Itty Kay |
11:30 AM |
For millenia Jews have started their days with some form of prayer. Pick a group and take time to connect. |
12:00 PM |
Mitzvah Minute with Manya: Blessings on Food |
12:30 PM |
Moshiach - What’s It All About?? Miriam Lipskier |
1:30 PM |
L–u–n–c–h & B–r–e–a–k |
2:30 PM |
Madrichot hang-out |
3:00 PM |
Eve In The Garden of Eden: The Real Story You Never Heard - Until Now Rabbi Manis Friedman |
4:15 PM |
The Sexual & The Sacred: The secret t Jewish marriage Rivky Slonim |
5:30 PM |
D–i–n–n–e–r & B–r–e–a–k |
7:00 PM |
Goodbye Anxiety, Worry and Stress: 3 Must-Have Tools for Strong Mental Health Shifra Sharfstein |
8:00 PM |
You Are What You...Wear?? A panel discussion on modesty with Manya Lazaroff, Basya Hans, Chava Bolotin, Dalia Shusterman and YOU! |
11:00 AM |
Strengthen Your Jewish Core Core Topic: 3 Tools to Impact the World Itty Kay |
11:30 AM |
For millenia Jews have started their days with some form of prayer. Pick a group and take time to connect. |
12:00 PM |
Mitzvah Minute with Manya: Giving Tzedakah |
12:30 PM |
How One Montana Mom Fought the Alt-Right - And Won |
1:30 PM |
L–u–n–c–h & B–r–e–a–k |
2:30 PM |
Madrichot hang-out |
3:00 PM |
What’s Your Mission Statement? Rabbi Friedman |
4:15 PM |
Medical Ethics: Is organ donation allowed by Jewish Law Rivky Slonim |
5:30 PM |
D–i–n–n–e–r & B–r–e–a–k |
7:30 PM |
How to Keep Shabbat Wherever You Are Shifra Sharfstein |
8:30 PM |
The Who, What, Why, How and Wow of Jewish Dating Miriam Lipskier |
10:00 pm |
Farbrengen! A gathering of souls you don’t want to miss! |
11:00 AM |
Strengthen Your Jewish Core Core Topic:You Are Not A Victim Itty Kay |
11:30 AM |
For millenia Jews have started their days with some form of prayer. Pick a group and take time to connect. |
12:00 PM |
Wild Challah Bake with Sandra Paul |
1:00 pm |
Where Do We Go From Here? Rivky Slonim |
Schedule at a Glance
All times are Eastern Summer Times -
Adjust for your local time zone